Cennamon Zone

Hiya \o/
My name is Celia, aka Cennamon.
She/her pronouns, from the UK, born September 2004.

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Mediocre artist, self-taught/amateur drummer, currently studying "sustainable product design" at university.
Some of my other interests include experimenting in sandbox games, binging YouTube video essays, and living the '90s alt-rock dream (grunge clothes, making rating lists, learning band trivia, etc).

That's basically me :)

Feel free to nosy around, that's the reason I made this place innit

Featured Song:

"1997 Untitled Demo" - Panchiko
Click here for other bops

Featured Article:

Celia goes to college

As my life is undergoing yet another large change right now, so too will this webpage. University requires a big time commitment, as well as the need to at least appear more mature. It's not exactly fitting anymore for me to be posting silly little articles and hosting outdated or incomplete artwork.

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I'm more into loose preparation than rigid planning when it comes to the future, but we can assume the content output will stay as low as it has been; however, what's posted will be more refined since any time will have to be spent wisely. Rather than a random sprawl of every creative medium imaginable, I'll have to stick to a few main projects. Subjects covered will likely be Minecraft related (very grown up, the irony is not lost here), this will include artwork, mod concepts, and perhaps some builds.

If allowed, I may also post contributions made to any of the various environmental projects I find myself working with. These will be my greatest priority and where most of my free time goes into. That's about all I can say though.

Featured Content:

Suggestions for Minecraft